Doctor Matt Spaulding Body Building for His Brother

Dr. Matt Spaulding entered his first bodybuilding competition in late October and won his division — a feat he credits in part to SoonerRelief® (, the pain relief gel that’s proving the power of medicinal herbs. Now Dr. Spaulding regularly recommends Sooner Relief to patients in his chiropractic practice.

Dr. Spaulding spent nearly a year building muscle and shedding body fat, eventually losing over 40 pounds through intense discipline and training by top trainer Joey Codner. Although he had never been a bodybuilder, he decided to take on the challenge in honor of his late brother — and that drove him to work harder than he had ever worked at anything in his life. Dr. Spaulding came to rely on Sooner Relief to keep up the grueling pace of his workouts. “I could not have trained at the intensity I needed to without ,” he explained.

Dr. Spaulding was so impressed by Sooner Relief’s ability to ease muscle aches and pains, he began using it in his practice. Now the chiropractor wholeheartedly recommends Sooner Relief to patients. “Just a small amount provides soothing relief to sore muscle,” he stated.

Sooner Relief’s efficacy is due to the medicinal herbs that are the basis of its formulation, said Rod Cleveland, co-founder and vice president of operations for Physical Performance Health, LLC, which manufactures the gel. Being registered as an over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief gel and manufactured at an FDA-certified lab might have been enough for other products, but Cleveland and his team went several steps further: SoonerRelief was developed in consultation with the German Commission E Monographs on medicinal herbs.

“We at Physical Performance Health knew Sooner Relief was capable of delivering the kind of results that helped Dr. Spaulding win his bodybuilding competition,” Cleveland stated. “It is extremely rewarding to see our product help someone who is working hard to achieve a personal goal. We tend to think of pain relief in terms of arthritis and other common conditions, but it can also be necessary for people living extremely active lives.”

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Dr. Matt Spaulding TV9 Testimonial from Sooner Relief on Vimeo.

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