Before You Buy Blue Emu Pain Relief Cream

Save the majestic Emu.

Is the emu bird endanger of extinction?  Probably not since it is a cash cow for cosmetic and pain relief companies.  These majestic birds are bread by the thousands and harvested for their oil.

The emu is Australia’s national bird.  It is believed to be one of the oldest living prehistoric birds. It belongs to a family of flightless birds called Ratites. Most Ratites are now extinct, and only the emu, ostrich, cassowary, kiwi and rhea are alive today.

As the largest bird in Australia, and the second largest in the world after the ostrich.  They have long necks, sharp beaks and small ears. The emu has a unique sets of eyelids, one for blinking and one to keep out the dust. Emus grow to 5 to 6.5 feet tall, mostly legs and neck.  The feathers of the emu are used in costumes and hats.


Habitat and history

Emus live in most of the less-populated areas of the continent and although they can survive in most regions, they avoid dense forest and severe desert.

Emus have been living in Australia for a very long time. Their ancestors, the Dromornithids, roamed the land when dinosaurs lived. Originally there were three species of emu, but now there is emuonly one. The two other species became extinct because they were hunted for their meat and feathers.

Other flightless birds have a keel on their sternum, but Ratites do not. This means that Ratites don’t have a strong anchor for their wing muscles, so they couldn’t fly even if they developed suitable wings. Emus have tiny wings hidden under their feathers. They hold them out as stabilizers when they run.

Emus must drink every day, and they don’t waste water. On very hot days they breathe rapidly, using their lungs as evaporative coolers. Their large nasal passages have multiple folds inside. In cooler weather they use these folds to recycle air and create moisture for reuse.

The emu is bread and harvested for its oil.  The oil is rendered from the fat of the emu, collected mainly from the back and the rump. Each emu can yield an average of 5 to 6 liters of complex, primitive oil.  The oil is used in cosmetics and pain relief creams.  In order to stabilize and keep the oil from fermenting a paraben is also added in the ingredients when emu oil is used.

What are the dangers of parabens?

Parabens are used in different cosmetics. There are on going  studies about parabens effect on the human body. At the beginning of the 1950’s, Propylparaben has been widely used since the 1950’s to slow the growth of many different kinds of bacteria, mold, and certain types of yeast so that products had a longer shelf life.  While propylparaben is believe to be safe, there are a number of concerns that you should be aware of.

The Possible Dangers of Propylparaben

Propylparaben dangers cited by dermatologists and skin care specialists are the chemical’s ability to mimic estrogen in the human body.  Extended use can cause an over-abundance of this hormone. Because hormones play such a vital role in the body by stimulating various biological processes, chemicals that mimic hormones can lead to a significant number of problems and pain from internal inflammation. The known side effects or problems are weight gain, retaining fluids, and can even lead to cancer.When this happens, you may start gaining weight, retaining more fluids, and can even lead to cancer. Estrogen-related problems from propylparaben are especially detrimental to women who are pregnant or nursing, and are already facing wide hormonal fluctuations.

Propylparaben and Cancer

There have been studies conducted to see if a link exists between propylparaben and breast cancer. However most research has been inconclusive. While some experts believe there is a link, as parabens have been found in cancerous breast tissue, there is not enough evidence to make a solid case. If you have a history of breast cancer (or any other cancer) in your family, or are concerned about the possible link between propylparaben and estrogen toxicity, consult your doctor or skin care professional about using this ingredient safely.

Sooner Relief Pain Gel

Sooner Relief is formulated with medical herbs with no animal rendered products and never tested on animals.  The formula is centered around Arnica and is produced in a menthol base.  The herbal essential oils provide safe and deep penetrating benefits to deliver the pain relieving and soothing properties to aching joints and muscles.  Order today risk free from Amazon.

Are Homeopathic Remedies Always All Natural and the Best Medicine

Are homeopathic remedies always the best quality and medical solutions for treatments of ailments? I see this buzz word “homeopathic medicine” on many supplements and herbal products touting their effectiveness. I was curious about just how effective and how pure homeopathic remedies that you can buy over the internet were. It seems that homeopathic medicines encompass a wide range of methods and products.

I asked a physician that I know that specializes in Internal Medicines (Dr. Gismondi) what homeopathic medicine is and if products that tout the use of homeopathy are as affective? Below is what he wrote.

Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted preparations to the point that one of my teachers in medical school stated that we would be very lucky to get even one molecule of the herb or remedy in a dose of homeopathic medicine.

Reading about the “scientific” background of Homeopathy we learn that it was started by a German physician by the name of Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) who lived before we had scientific tools and ways to assert whether a new method or medicine really works.

A stated principle of Homeopathy is that you should give the least amount of medicine necessary to cause healing or improvement. This small amount is called the “Minimum Dose.”  Since medicines can cause side effects, and some quite serious, Hahnemann began successive dilution and agitation of his medicines to find the point at which they would be presumed to be therapeutic, yet not toxic. But as stated above, there had been no good way to establish whether this highly diluted “medicine” really worked, except for physician impression – known to be an unreliable way to prove efficacy.

This lack of evidence has translated into enough negative studies. Therefore the use of certain Homeopathic preparations as herbal remedies has been discarded as “ineffective” or “questionable” by U.S. medical literature.

Investigating the medical literature regarding Homeopathic Arnica Montana proves this point. Every one of such negative studies was performed with a homeopathic preparation. Yet in a particular biased source [as gleaned from the words used] it is stated that a large review found Homeopathy to show positive results: “British Medical Journal 302-(Feb 1991 ):316-323 Kleignen, J et al. Clinical Trials of Homeopathy- Published  review of 105 clinical trials with homeopathic remedies. Eighty-one demonstrated effectiveness.”

In reviewing this article the following conclusion was attached to the published abstract:

“CONCLUSIONS–At the moment the evidence of clinical trials is positive but not sufficient to draw definitive conclusions because most trials are of low methodological quality and because of the unknown role of publication bias. This indicates that there is a legitimate case for further evaluation of homoeopathy, but only by means of well performed trials.” In other words, even this sympathetic reviewer states that it is likely that the reported positive results are due to the bias of the authors in poorly designed studies. And “well performed trials” do not exist.

Many companies on the internet are promoting products for the relief of pain and inflammation with Arnica Montana as a homeopathic solution. As you have read about the definition and effectiveness of homeopathic medicine, the use of enough Arnica would not be affective to the body’s ailments. So when you are investigating an alternative to oral pain medications or the nationally advertised topical analgesics, do not be fooled that homeopathic remedies are the answer.

Rheumatic Pain, How topical creams relieve pain

One out of every three Americans today suffer from chronic pain, such as joint arthritis or of similar symptoms, which causes many to live their lives based upon the level of pain that they can endure. This is because of our lifestyle irregularities and stressful jobs. Most often than not, ignoring the pain makes things worse and begins delivering more and more pain in the long run. These pains are often called “Rheumatism” refers to aches and pains of muscles, joints, and fibrous tissues. This is commonly seen in people who are aging. The most common type of rheumatism is rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Old-Lady-Hand-PainRheumatoid arthritis or commonly known as RA is defined as a chronic disease of unidentified cause or origin. It is usually distinguished by chronic inflammatory synovitis involving peripheral joint pains. This can lead to damage of our body’s articular cartilage and breakdown of the affected bones and changes in the positioning of bones. Rheumatic arthritis also affects the tissues around the joint and different parts of our body. This disease is commonly seen in women than men. It can affect people at any age but research and studies shows that its usual point is at around forty years of age. But remember that it can strike at anyone and of all races. RA happens when our body’s immune system mistakenly interprets some of bodily character and attacks them. As we know, the main function of our immune system is to seek and destroy what we call intruders in our body such as infection. When our body’s antibodies attack our body parts it then leads to inflammation. Similar to RA, another joint problem that can be commonly seen in women is osteoarthritis.

Since these diseases are very much active today, the demand of pain relievers and pain killers are very high. This is due to the demand, but since there are side effects of prolonged use of this medications. AMR-7 a physician recommended was introduced in the market. This product is US manufactured and FDA compliant. It is non-greasy and made up of topical gel that uses a proprietary blend of Menthol, Aloe Vera, MSM, medicinal herbs and Arnica. This is proven to provide immediate relief from pain. This product was created by a rheumatoid physician with more than 30 years of pain experience and research. It was praised because of its uniqueness. It relaxes the muscle and relieves tension of the affected body part.

What is Chamomile

Matricaria Chamomilla (German Chamomile)

This popular herb has been widely used in Western culture, Its medicinal usage can be dated back to well over four thousand years, with notables as Hippocrates, Galen, and Asclepius writing about chamomile benefits. Chamomile is a common ingrediate in herbal teas and is part of the propriatary blend in Sooner Relief. The daisy looking flower have calming, carminative, and spasmolytic properties. It is used in Sooner Relief because of its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects when applied topically.


It is from the plant’s fresh and dried flower heads that infusions, liquid extracts, and essential oils are made. There are two species of chamomile that are generally used in todays medicinial herbalism, Marticaria chamomilla (German chamaomile) and Chamaemelum mobile (Roman chamomile). The herb is an annual and both species belong to the Asteraceae/Compasitae family, have similar physical appearances, chemical properties, and general applications. The German chamomile is the most commonly used.

Chamomile’s beneficial medicinal properties contain volatile oils as well as flavonoids and other therapeutic substances. The volatile oils include bisabolol, bisabolol oxides A & B and matricin, A compound call apigenin make up the flavonoids.

Health Benefits

For thousands of years, Chamomile has been used in teas as a mild, relaxing sleep aid, treating fevers, colds, stomach ailment, colic, and most notably as an anti-inflammatory. The herb can be digested or used externally on the skin as an oitment. Over the last 20 years, Chamomile has confirmed the many historical uses for the plant and established pharmacological mechanism for the plant’s therapeutic properties. This includes antiseptic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antibacterial, anti fungal, and anti-allergenic activity. Continued research has proven that chamomile’s specific anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, muscle relaxant, antispasmodic, anti-allergenic and sedative properties. Because of it long history and proven reputation, the herb is included as a drub in the pharmacopoeia of 26 countries.

As a tea, be used for lumbago, rheumatic problems and rashes.
As a salve, be used for hemorrhoids and wounds.
As a vapor, be used to alleviate cold symptoms or asthma.
Relieve restlessness, teething problems, and colic in children.
Relieve allergies, much as an antihistamine would.
Aid in digestion when taken as a tea after meals.
Relieve morning sickness during pregnancy.
Speed healing of skin ulcers, wounds, or burns.
Treat gastritis and ulcerative colitis.
Reduce inflammation and facilitate bowel movement without acting directly as a purgative.
Be used as a wash or compress for skin problems and inflammations, including inflammations of mucous tissue.
Promote general relaxation and relieve stress. Animal studies show that chamomile contains substances that act on the same parts of the brain and nervous system as anti-anxiety drugs. Never stop taking prescription medications, however, without consulting your doctor.
Control insomnia. Chamomiles mildly sedating and muscle-relaxing effects may help those who suffer from insomnia to fall asleep more easily.
Treat diverticular disease, irritable bowel problems and various gastrointestinal complaints. Chamomiles reported anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic actions relax the smooth muscles lining the stomach and intestine. The herb may therefore help to relieve nausea, heartburn, and stress-related flatulence. It may also be useful in the treatment of diverticular disorders and inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn’s disease.
Soothe skin rashes (including eczema), minor burns and sunburn. Used as a lotion or added in oil form to a cool bath, chamomile may ease the itching of eczema and other rashes and reduces skin inflammation. It may also speed healing and prevent bacterial infection.
Treat eye inflammation and infection. Cooled chamomile tea can be used in a compress to help soothe tired, irritated eyes and it may even help treat conjunctivitis.
Heal mouth sores and prevent gum disease. A chamomile mouthwash may help soothe mouth inflammations and keep gums healthy.
Reduce menstrual cramps. Chamomiles believed ability to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus helps ease the discomfort of menstrual cramping.

Sooner Relief Herbal Pain Relief chose chamomile as part of its formulation for it relaxing sedative properties. This has been found beneficial to many customers that suffer Restless Leg Syndrome and insomnia. They have written in to tell us that they rub Sooner Relief on the bottom of their feet or on the inside of their legs before bed time.


Alternative Medicine Review Volume 13, Number 1 2008 pages 58-62
Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckman J, eds. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs. Newton, MA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000:57–61.

Lee SH, Heo Y, Kim YC. Effect of German chamomile oil application on alleviating atopic dermatitis-like immune alterations in mice. Journal Veterinary Science. 2010;11(1):35–41.
McKay DL, Blumberg JB. A review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of chamomile tea (Matricaria recutita L.). Phytotherapy Research. 2006;20(7):519–530.

Natural Standard Database Web site. Accessed at on November 7, 2013.

Srivastava J, Shankar E, Gupta S (2011) Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Mol Med 3: 895–901.